Archive for 2003

Slacker Brett returns

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2003

Lo, I have returned! Now that I have an Alcatel 735 with MMS capabilities, I’ve opened a moblog. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m using a modified version of Simsi… when I get bBlog going I’ll use this script to help me write a moBlog bBlog plugin :)

I’m still enjoying my time at Dev-Zone. Christmas looks like it’s going to be fun. I’m going to Otaki for a few days, then heading up to the Bay for a day or two, then come back on the 28th Dec with Sheree. Keep an eye on the moblog :) Oh, it has an RSS 2.0 feed too…

Embodied on a Magic Card

Sunday, November 9th, 2003

My brother Stuart gave me this link to a picture of a Magic: The Gathering card that has a picture of a character with an uncanny similarity to me. Eerie…

Letter to the Prime Minister

Wednesday, October 15th, 2003

Your honour,

I’m appalled that you let the GE Moratorium be lifted considering the vast public opposition. When did you and your party constituants stop representing the opinions of New Zealand?

Losing faith in the abilities of democracy in New Zealand,

Brett Taylor

Mr Scruff Replys!

Wednesday, October 8th, 2003

The Scruff replied to the email I sent him:

Hi brett

You may have received a reply already, so apologies if that is the case. I
just wanted to say thank you for your support and kind words, I had a
fantastic time at studio nine, and can’t wait to get out to NZ again, you
are all lovely mellow soulful people who know how to party (and that love of
reggae and loud basslines helps too!).

All the best!

Andy scruff

Hot Pot Show
with Mr. Scruff & Treva Whateva
Every Friday night/Saturday morning, 1-2am
on Key 103 (Manchester)

Overflowing Undertaking

Thursday, September 25th, 2003

So I take the day off of work to prepare to go to Uncle Grahams funeral. I have a few loads of washing that need doing, so I set about doing them. One load, washed, dried — this load is most of what I’m taking with me clothes-wise to the Wairarapa.

Second load while the first load is drying in the dryer — it overflows. Now when washers in NZ are finished with the water they use to wash, it usually goes into the drain. When things go wrong, they don’t overflow into the drain, they overflow onto the floor. So after the load is finished, I go upstairs to the laundry.

The whole bathroom/laundry is flooded to a level that covers my big toe. And it’s started to seep out to the carpet in the hallway.

“We need towels, lots of towels”.

So being the only one home, I grab the most absorbent towels I can find, and some towels that suck at holding water, pull a towel or two out of the dryer and get cracking. Put the towels on the ground, the most absorbant ones on the threshold to the bathroom. wait till they soak up as much water as they can, wring towels out in the shower compartment. Repeat.

Half hour later the water level is down to a dampening on the linoleum floor. Phew. Disaster averted. Which really wasn’t that bad after all.