Now at a new location! is no longer! long live! I’ve switched over to WordPress from b2, so there should be tons less comment spam to deal with, and more time for posting!

I’ve got permenently redirecting to here. If you find any problems with the redirections, please let me know. Also, if you got any kind of feedback or comments or suggestions or whatever, please give it!

Alternate Stylesheet

Heh, I’ve added an alternate stylesheet to my site. You’ll need Mozilla to view it – go View > Use Style. If you’re using IE, the glutnix chicken logo and the webfroot network button will be gifs, otherwise they will be 32bit alpha’d PNG files. The CSS controls the checkers and the background image, as well as the colours. Rather simple really. 🙂

UPDATE: Added a ‘toggle alternate stylesheet‘ link at the bottom of the side – click to switch to the alternate stylesheet for the rest of the session. Might switch to cookies instead of session though.