Archive for October, 2004

We the Media

Tuesday, October 5th, 2004

I just wrote a huge post about how cool We The Media is, seeing as I had just finished it, and for some reason Firefox closed without warning, and I lost it all. It was a good post too. I alliterated about Quality Blogs, Signal-to-Noise ratios in the blogosphere, how we trust others to tell us about news, how relatively low-usefulness live journals have replaced animated-gif-laden ‘personal home pages’, how RSS works, FeedDemon, and how RSS is being utilised by cool services like Flickr and to revolutionise how we digest new content. But it’s all gone. I’m sad now. Go read We The Media for free online, or buy it from Amazon. Then go get FeedDemon and digest yourself some quality news feeds like BoingBoing, Wired News, Gizmodo, Slashdot, and to the lesser extent Webfroot, and the thousands of feeds made available by great writers about interesting subjects.

If you have any questions about any of what I wrote about and lost, please ask me and I’ll gladly alliterate about anything I mentioned :)