“I’m Winston Wolf, I solve problems.”

Well, I certainly feel like “The Wolf” from Pulp Fiction. Every-so-often I get called up, requesting my presence during my lunch break to “solve problems”, specifically Web Development related problems. My conditions are:

  • Complimentary pick up and set down from my place of employment. (read: You want me, come get me)
  • Lunch provided.
  • ~NZD$40 for the effort.

I usually end up giving a programmer a crash-course in something-or-rather technique, fixing some PHP, reviewing a website giving advice on how it could be improved, writing some reasonably trivial ActionScript, or whatever my ‘client’ can squeeze out of me in ~50 minutes.

I could probably charge more, but most of my clients get mates rates. 😉

It’s not exactly a “lunch break”, but it’s good for a change of pace. Having to do something incredibly fast can be fun. Most of the time I get it finished to a level the client is happy with, and I’m quite pleased with myself for getting it finished so quick.

Sometimes it’s impossible for me to do something, for example, because something that I was called into to do relies on something that is broken that I can’t fix, I feel like I wasted their time as well as mine.

Just so everyone knows…

Some of my readers will know a certain Beck-appreciating Wellingtonian called Daniel who I work with.

I’ve been allowed to let the cat out of the bag: Daniel has a LJ. That is all. We now return to your normally scheduled life.

American English Dialects

Your Linguistic Profile:

40% General American English
35% Yankee
20% Dixie
5% Upper Midwestern
0% Midwestern
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

I couldn’t resist taking this test when I saw it; I like to consider myself somewhat au fait with the Queen’s English and its incongruencies. But I’m probably kidding myself… 🙂

When I was Nineteen…

Don’t you hate it when you find one of your old websites that you abandoned over 4 years ago…, just before I started Webfroot? LOL, Scary scary stuff… But I guess I could claim that I was blogging 5 years ago, back before it was even called blogging. Or not. Cos you know blogs have been the new “personal homepages” for about 3 years now… 😉