Space Man Candy Sticks, Redesigned… UGH.

Space Man Candy Sticks, Redesigned… UGH.
Uploaded to Flickr by Glutnix.

Carousel, the new owners of the kiwiana-status brand “Space Man Candy Sticks” have ruined an iconic New Zealand brand by redesigning the packaging. WTF were they thinking!?

Especially because they put a ginga in the deep vacuum of space without him first putting on his helmet.

WDANZ Wellington Conference

At WDANZ‘s Wellington Conference last week, I had the privilege of talking to a group of my peers about how easy JavaScript has become since the DOM — there is still a lot of people in this industry out there who think JavaScript is in the too-hard basket, but if you think about it the right way, it really isn’t.

My slides for the talk I did (PDF, 180kb)

Creative Commons License My slides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.  You are free to share and remix my work without limitation as long as you credit me, Brett Taylor, with a link to this blog post.

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I had a really good time at the WDANZ Conference. While there wasn’t a spectacular turn out, the quality of the speakers was second-to-none. I learned an absolutely epic amount of stuff about the business hemisphere of this industry, and met some of the most highly respected developers in New Zealand. I won’t be missing the next WDANZ conference in my city!

An NZ Government Department is blogging and I had something to do with it!

NZAID was one of the many agencies that had a presence at the talk I did at CID‘s “Thinking Outside The Box” media workshop. I talked about blogging, podcasting, videocasting and wikis among other things.

I can’t help feeling a little responsible for NZAID starting up their new NZAID Field Blog! Amazing! Good on you all over there at NZAID for getting on the bandwagon! And on Blogspot to boot!

Correct me if I’m wrong, but is this the first official New Zealand government department blog?

Talking at a seminar on New Media

Hello to all those who saw me talk at CID’s seminar today. Here’s the slides and my notes for the talk I made:

“The New Internet: Communicating on Today’s Web” Slides

I had a great time sharing about the exciting new ways to get your audience involved, and the feedback I got from you all was really great — feel free to ask questions in the comments here — cheers!

People, you don’t need to play to Big Media’s rules anymore — the rules are changing, and if your audience is discerning, they’ll follow you as long as you’ve got the goods.  But with great power comes great responsibility: use the tools wisely 🙂

Life and Fitness in Karori

Life Update.

I haven’t blogged this yet, but I’ve been working at Natcoll Design Technology for over a year now. I started as a part-time Multimedia tutor, and now I’m the Diploma of Web Development Course Coordinator for the Wellington campus. I teach on average 18 hours a week, with the rest in prep, paperwork and management. Really fun job, besides the paperwork 😉 I even get to help out with the tech support sometimes… but eh, what ya gonna do?

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Mid last year, I moved from downtown Cuba St to the boxed valley suburb of Karori (said to be the largest suburb in the southern hemisphere) with the intention of eating better and getting fit.

I’ve got the getting fit thing working somewhat: Mountain Biking. Karori has a world renowned mountain bike park running up, and most importantly, down, the back of it. I got my bike at the start of December, a nice GT Avalanche 3.0, and I’ve been slowly discovering the many tracks it holds. It’s really a beautiful place, and with summer turning up finally, I’m going to make the most of it.

I originally got the bike to commute to and from work every day. Karori is up in the hills, and the city, where I work, is at sea-level. It takes me 15 minutes door-to-door every morning, and depending on my route, 30-50 minutes coming home uphill. I don’t really enjoy exercise, but at least I know I’ll have achieved something every day, no matter how my day might have been.