Archive for August, 2003

Geocaching Success – five from seven!

Tuesday, August 12th, 2003

I’ve been doing a bit more Geocaching! I tell you, it’s a lot of fun. I’ve found five out of the seven that I’ve hunted in the Wellington area. Quick shoutouts to Mufasa and Andy who joined me for some of those hunts, and also provided transport to the cache sites.

Mufasa and I also hid a cache. Can’t wait till someone finds it!

I’m also gonna hide a micro-cache near my house. A microcache container is usually a 35mm film canister. Yes, you can fit things in those. Along with an A4 sized logbook (PDF, 316kb), my ideas include foreign coins, paper money, coffee and smoothie vouchers, stickers, and other things.

My First Cache

Monday, August 4th, 2003

After work today I went hunting for Geocache GCG0AJ, “Botanic Garden Battery”. After a hard walk up Aurora Terrace and up to the Botanic Garden, I found the cache. Read my log entry at the caches log.

Locational Generality

Friday, August 1st, 2003

I bought a GPS. Yeah. I know. But you guys put up a good argument. ;) It was delivered this morning.

The Garmin eTrex was $280 plus P&P on TradeMe. Not a bad price when you consider that they are $400 including GST from Dick Smith.

So anyway, it’s pretty quick at figuring out when I’ve stopped walking. It also loses it’s signal along Lambton Quay, with all the buildings and all. It’s quite cool. So Geocaching, here I come!

Also, some Canterbarians (people from Christchurch) who also do geocaching are negotiating with the Department of Conservation about being able to hide and seek geocaches on DOC land. DOC has said that the geocachers had to form an incorporated society. So they did. The New Zealand Recreational GPS Society Incorporated. I might join – could be a bit of fun :)

Also, for more that you can do with your GPS, check out GeoDashing, MinuteWar and also The Degree Confluence Project.