Archive for July, 2005

John C. Dvorak vs Creative Commons

Thursday, July 21st, 2005

I think John C. Dvorak, a prominent column writer for US PC Magazine missed the point of Creative Commons in his latest column. Did he even WATCH the flash animation? Has he read Free Culture? Screw him. He’s spreading FUD.

He would have learnt that Creative Commons is a way to grant everyone permission to use your works in certain ways without giving up your copyright, encouraging a world where you don’t have to hire a pack of rabid lawyers just to clear permissions. “Permission is already granted”.

Creative Commons is about encouraging creativity. Because creativity always builds on the past. But the past is wrapped up in red tape. So we have CC licences that allow those who would build upon your work to cut through that red tape.

It’s not hard to understand. Less Lawyers = Good Thing.

Sure, adding a CC licence to your blog might be ‘trendy’, and I can safely assume very few, people, if any, are going to take my blog posts and build something new and exciting from them. But what’s wrong with saying “I don’t mind if you do”, even if the chances of that happening are slim-to-none?

John C. Dvorak, I thought you were cool, working with Chris Pirillo on that book of yours and all. I do realise this is an opinion piece, but come on, it feels a bit premature. You really should do your damned research.

Looking forward to Tax Cuts this election?

Tuesday, July 19th, 2005

If you’re a New Zealander like me, you’ll probably know that there’s an election coming up, and good old Don Brash of the National Party, like so many politicians at election time, is advocating tax cuts. Apparently the Government can afford it, assuming they get rid of some of the less-important functions of the government.

Public Address have put together a handy little tax break calculator! You enter your salary, and punch in the percentages of tax you want to pay, and it tells you how much money per week you’ll be scoring. w00t! NZD$202 extra a week :D

However, it goes forward to explain how much money it’ll need to recoup from giving the tax break to the nation. For me it was NZD$3,935 Millionbut luckily it goes on to offer suggestions of things it could get rid of, you know, to keep the government running smoothly. You know, the controversial things, like hip-hop tours, woman’s affairs, artist’s dole.

For example: Getting rid of the Wananga O Aotearoa? Sure, but what about all the students? — they’ll still be interested in tertiary education — onto student loans they go…
Largest 1-year funding the Wananga ever recieved: $239 Million
Cost of a third of ex-Wananga students going elsewhere: $220 Million
Net Money Recovered: NZD$19 Million.
Still to Recover: NZD$3,916 Million.

Ooo big savings. NOT.

Seriously, I think I can safely assume that National is unable to give a significant tax break. As the fellows at Public Address said:

There’s a word for that, and it’s nothing so prim as “baloney.”

For the record, I’m happy with how I’m being taxed. Maybe the rich should be taxed more, and the poor taxed less. What do you think?

Week of Insanity

Saturday, July 9th, 2005

So several crazy things happened this week:

  1. Webfroot turned 4 years old. Ask me 4 years ago how popular Webfroot was gonna be in 4 years, I probably would have said it wouldn’t last that long. But it has, and it’s still going strong! The popularity of Webfroot _SCARES_ me. Webfroot gets around 2000 unique IP addresses visiting it every 24 hours. If I search for things we posted about only a week ago, we’re on the first page on Google!
  2. I got a new job! I start that in August, going full time the first workday in October.
  3. The day after I told work I was resigning to start a new job, my other workmate hands in his resignation too, being head-hunted for a position with a nice Wellington ISP. What’s up with that?
  4. My mum calls me and tells me that in October she’ll be moving from Napier, New Zealand to Brisbane, Australia! Wow… what a shock… I’m kinda a little sad, but I’m happy for her :)
  5. My post about saving any multimedia file to your hard drive got 270+ diggs on, was mentioned on Make:Blog, and then talked about by Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht on the diggnation podcast!
    An interesting fact is that it took over a month for it to get to the homepage on, and then everything started linking to it.

So yeah, pretty weird up and up week. It’s nice when things seem to be turning out for good!

Movin on up, Movin on out

Thursday, July 7th, 2005

So I have a new job! I handed in my 4 weeks notice to the DRC and am moving on to! I must say thank you to 3months for letting me start in a part time manner so that the DRC wouldn’t be left in the lurch while my workmate is on 6 weeks leave, and so I can get the projects I’m currently working on at DRC out the door.

So I start part time at 3months on August 8, and I’m told while I will still be doing XHTML, CSS and PHP, I will be doing more XML and XSLT related work, along with picking up some Python and working with Plone and Zope. Scary stuff seeing as I don’t know much about working with those last three; I told them I was prepared to learn Python at the ‘interview’, and that I’ve tried to do a little Python here and there, but I have yet to use it for something non-trivial. However, I’m prepared to take the learning curve :)

I am however, really excited about working in a Agile environment. Everything I’ve read about Agile makes perfect sense. The values it upholds in the Agile Manifesto just seem to resonate that there is a solution to the project problems in all the organisations I’ve worked for to-date.

I’m really looking forward to it.

When I was Nineteen…

Saturday, July 2nd, 2005

Don’t you hate it when you find one of your old websites that you abandoned over 4 years ago…, just before I started Webfroot? LOL, Scary scary stuff… But I guess I could claim that I was blogging 5 years ago, back before it was even called blogging. Or not. Cos you know blogs have been the new “personal homepages” for about 3 years now… ;)