For the last two mornings I’ve caught myself not putting common bathroom chemicals in the right place. Yesterday I put shower gel in my hair, and today I put my expensive anti-dandruff shampoo on my body… I wish I had an Emporio barista in my kitchen so I could have a better chance of waking up before having a shower… but alas…
Archive for February, 2003
Put the shampoo…
Tuesday, February 18th, 2003Birthday Report
Monday, February 17th, 2003My birthday was pretty cool. Friday night I went out to dinner with Mel. We went to Stellar, a restaraunt inside Courtenay Central. We shared a wood fire pizza (Rotisserie chicken stuffed pizza with camembert, mozzarella, bacon and onions, very yummy), then went and saw Two Weeks Notice, which although it was a chick flick, was actually a pretty cool movie. We came home and Mel had stealthly left a picnic hamper at home, but because it was raining we did the picnic thing in my room – really romantic like Afterwards, we played Risk with Chris and Mark – Chris won (Kill Blue (Chris) or 24 Countries, by the latter), but Mel had Kill Green (me) and nearly won too, on her first game!… :-/ Mel really enjoyed playing, and we’ll probably all play again on Thursday night
Saturday I slept in and then Chris and Mark gave me a present. It was Lazy Sunday 3, which is what I wanted for my birthday (cheers guys!). But even better was the card they gave me – Mark, it seemed, had spent two days making a birthday card featuring a fake letter sent to Strong Bad asking him to send me an email saying Happy Birthday – LMAO! Excellent, guys!
Later that night a few of my friends (Mark L, Jaron, Ben and Steph) came over and we played xbox for a little while, then got Hells and watched Jackass The Movie. That is one classic movie… if you’ve never seen a Jackass, and are not squeemish, you will be after the end of this movie.
Anyway, the birthday was overall the best birthday I’ve ever had, and caps off the fact that this is the best era i’ve had in my life (new job, girlfriend, overall happy to be alive motif). I don’t things could get worse but we’ll see
Thursday, February 13th, 2003Faithfreek: grociery time hoorah
Faithfreek: oh u kno here’s something u shood promote
Glutnix: oh yeah?
Faithfreek: u kno those ice blocks u can get in a bag
Faithfreek: at the supermarket
Faithfreek: tell everyone to buy them cos they rule
Glutnix: yeah?
Glutnix: lmao
Faithfreek: and they’re only 2 bucks a bag
Glutnix: lmoa
Glutnix: you mean like party ice?
Faithfreek: nah
Faithfreek: um
Faithfreek: wait i’ll check the name
Glutnix: the maoris hunted the lmoa to extintion![]()
Faithfreek: nice
Faithfreek: imoa – n
Glutnix: apples new computer is called the imoa
Faithfreek: ok bluebird fla-vor-ice
Faithfreek: 25 bars in a pak yum
Faithfreek: ha
Glutnix: oh those! they are l33t
Faithfreek: 133t?
Glutnix: l33t
Glutnix: leet, as in elite
Glutnix: as in excellent
Faithfreek: beta split
Faithfreek: seeya soon
Glutnix: ok man cya
Faithfreek: be back in an hour or so
Faithfreek: mmmm food shopping
Glutnix: the chemical cyanice is tasty, but deadly
Glutnix: it is coloured cyan
Glutnix: sometimes it is frozen
Wrong Headphones Syndrome
Thursday, February 13th, 2003My mum just sent me a package for my birthday (Friday 14th Feb!) and I got my full over ear headphones that I lent to my brother over xmas back. I took them into work and took my walkman headphones out, you know the ones that have the band that goes over the back of the head? So I plug them in and listen to my MP3s for a while. Then as you do, you take them off to move around the office, and then I came back and put my headphones back on. Half an hour later I realised I’d put the headphones on that were unplugged, and had no music going… how mental is that? Ah well, they are now in my bag so I won’t make that mistake again!
Wednesday, February 12th, 2003W00t! I just got a call from Jonquil from Dev-zone, and I have the job! Wow! I was not expecting a same-day reply! I would just like to say that I believe that God set me up this job, and I want to just publicly say thanks to Him for his blessings. Cheers to all my friends who prayed for me and those who supported me!
My first day at Dev-zone is on March 10! w00ta!