Talking at a seminar on New Media

Hello to all those who saw me talk at CID’s seminar today. Here’s the slides and my notes for the talk I made:

“The New Internet: Communicating on Today’s Web” Slides

I had a great time sharing about the exciting new ways to get your audience involved, and the feedback I got from you all was really great — feel free to ask questions in the comments here — cheers!

People, you don’t need to play to Big Media’s rules anymore — the rules are changing, and if your audience is discerning, they’ll follow you as long as you’ve got the goods.  But with great power comes great responsibility: use the tools wisely 🙂

Twitterlex 1.2

Yup, it’s patch time — announced that they were going to standardise on 140 characters maximum for everyone, so I changed Twitterlex to reflect that change. I also made a few minor cosmetic tweaks, and have now released Twitterlex 1.2. Enjoy 🙂