I lost The Game for the first time in many months. Thought I’d better announce it, as per Rule 3. Dammit, I’ll be losing the game every time I visit my blog.
Category Archives: Funny
ROFL Telecom == Telecon
I made this image a long time ago, but it’s very relevent now:
This one has certainly done the rounds — I don’t believe there’s a net-savvy New Zealander who hasn’t seen it already, but in case you missed it:
To all those who invested in Telecom shares and got burned recently, Nelson from The Simpsons said it best: HAW-HAW!
Corporate Telecommunication Still Sucks.
Towel Day Reminder
Don’t forget that this Thursday, May 25th, is Towel Day — the yearly memorial day of Douglas Adams. All you have to do is carry a towel around with you throughout the day.
Stephen Hawking Shouts at People
LOL, erm I mean, lol.

Thanks to my workmate Klaus for forwarding this one on 🙂
Mmm… MacZot
I’ve been watching MacZOT with interest since it started last month, watching for awesome Mac OS X software to be on special, which it usually is.
MacZOT is updated every week day with a new piece of discounted shareware, available for instant purchase, while stocks last. Every so often they mix it up and offer a Myztery ZOT, which is an unknown package of many pieces of software for an amazingly discounted price.
I’m posting this story to maybe scam me a free copy of AppZapper with what MacZOT is calling a “BlogZOT” — every post linking to MacZot will put the price down by five cents. If we get 259 posts about MacZot, 1000 people will get it for FREE…. wooooooot! Be in quick, there’s only like 2h45 minutes to go before the software will be available 😀
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