Just out of a complete and utter fluke I’ve discovered Meta-contacts. I’m using trillian pro, so i don’t know if this is in .74
Say I have a friend who uses several IM protocols, like Peach, she’s on ICQ, AIM, MSN, and YahooMsgr. I just highlight all of her IM contacts, right click and choose Create Meta-contact. It will then ask you for a contact name. Type it, choose a group, and click OK. All those contacts will now be grouped into one contact. If you always chat on one particular protocol, like I always chat with Peach on MSN, drag that contact to the top of the meta-contact list.
Why use meta-contact? Well when you don’t have that user selected in your contact list, it automatically collapses into one contact. Select it, it opens up again. Also, double click the meta contact, and you’ll get your default protocol (the top one in the list). If the user is offline in the default protocol, the next online protocol down is used.
Can someone tell me if this tip work in Trillian .74? I’m thinking not, but could be wrong.
Your site has made me smile 🙂
Have you forgot about this post? Maybe, but that’s okay!
I’ve been using trillian for….a LONG time… I love it!
I recently upgraded to the new 3.1 pro version. I’ve heard the term “meta-contact” used, but never knew much about it.
So i do what any normal web surfer does, i go to google type in “trillian meta contacts” and this pops up as the first hit! And this was perfect! Short to the point, and it told me all i need to know!
And perfect timing! my list was getting long, so now i’m consoladating them all! Whooo!
Dear Webmaster,
We have a hotel site for Europe that has a high Page Rank for our directory/links pages
The value of the link exchange will be mutually beneficial, it increases the traffic to your site. We would like to get our links in a German directory and we will do the same for you. If you are interested please contact me and I will give you all the relevant details.
If we got the wrong person please pass this on to your webmaster so he can deal with our request.
Best Regards,
Claudia Fischer.
[email protected]
Lieber Webmaster,
Wir besitzen eine Internetseite mit Hotels in Europa und verfugen uber einen hohen PageRank unserer verlinkten Seiten/Linkverzeichnisse.
Die Vorteile gegenseitiger Links kommen beiden Parteien zugute, da auf diese Weise die Besucherzahlen der jeweiligen Seite steigen. Aus diesem Grunde wurden wir gerne unsere Links in einem Linkverzeichnis einer deutschen Internetseite plazieren und bieten Ihnen im Gegenzug dasselbe auf unserer Seite an. Falls wir Ihr Interesse geweckt haben, so bitten wir Sie, mit uns Kontakt aufzunehmen und alle notwendigen Einzelheiten zu erfragen.
Wenn Sie nicht die richtige Kontaktperson fur unser Anliegen sind, so bitten wir, diese E-Mail an den zustandigen Mitarbeiter weiterzuleiten.
Mit freundlichen Grussen,
Claudia Fischer
[email protected]