Author Archives: Brett

Hanging with Mr Cooper Bison

My brother, Stuart aka The Bison, moved to Wellington a few weeks ago. It’s really cool to hang out with him. Like last night we were playing Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 on MAME… and we were having a ball.

Back when we were living together and he was still at intermediate/high school, he had a mega drive, and we used to play Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, and we’d beat each other up. My favorite character was Liu Kang, so I’d be all like “Bicycle Kick Bicycle Kick Fireball Fireball Upper-Cut” and he’d be Kabal and he’d be all like “Mincey Mincey Mincey Mincey” and he’d kick my ass 🙂 So re-living that last night was real cool.

We also played some Star Control 2 Ur-Quan Masters : Super Melee and he kicked my ass, again… So I burnt it to CD for him… I know he’ll enjoy it 🙂

Gangsta Name

The in/out board at work has slowly been changing over the last few weeks, as people are found Gangsta or Thug names. Names include Biggie-Shirls, J-Dogg, J-Duck, J-Quack, I-ron To’oPac, Busta Rose, P-Dorky, V-Dub, Yads, and BeatMasterD. My name has been assigned: The Notorious B.H.T. bad ass huh?

Encrypto The Amazing

The ICT department at work (ie, Daniel and I) are using GnuPG to encrypt our emails that contain passwords to one-another. By a fluke of events, there was then a key-signing last week which we both attended. That was an interesting but important experience. My key is worth less to those who don’t know me personally because they don’t know if it is actually mine or one created by someone pretending to be me, hence why you get other people to sign it. You may trust one of those people who trust my key. So building your key’s web of trust is important.

Want to sign my key? Contact me and we’ll sort something out 🙂

Slacker Brett returns

Lo, I have returned! Now that I have an Alcatel 735 with MMS capabilities, I’ve opened a moblog. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m using a modified version of Simsi… when I get bBlog going I’ll use this script to help me write a moBlog bBlog plugin 🙂

I’m still enjoying my time at Dev-Zone. Christmas looks like it’s going to be fun. I’m going to Otaki for a few days, then heading up to the Bay for a day or two, then come back on the 28th Dec with Sheree. Keep an eye on the moblog 🙂 Oh, it has an RSS 2.0 feed too…

Embodied on a Magic Card

My brother Stuart gave me this link to a picture of a Magic: The Gathering card that has a picture of a character with an uncanny similarity to me. Eerie…