Author Archives: Brett

I hate paper. Long Live my diary!

A few weeks ago I went to a church camp that I should have blogged about but didn’t. The young adults (which includes me) had a seminar that was advertised as “Get your life into order”. When it started it was announced this was a time management seminar. It was cool and extremely useful. Something that was mentioned was ‘GET A DIARY’, even if you have to get a palm pilot like so-and-so did.

So then I screw up my dates and double book coming to youth group to help out the person who took the seminar, with a meeting to organise a service in two weeks. Oops. Time to get a diary. Now I have always reviled doing paper. I already have my “external brain” — a spiral bound paper notebook which I note thoughts I have in. It’s unlined, and isn’t good for storing appointments or dates in, so I don’t.

I have so many meetings and appointments and stuff it’s easy to double book or forget meetings. So I bucked my own trend and bought a tiny pocket diary. It fits in my jacket pocket along with my external brain — perfect. I had to shop around for it though, but I found it at Capital Office Supplies down Masons Lane near Johns Kitchen, at the Railway Station end of Lambton Quay.

So here I go, using ‘analog technology’. It goes against what I stand for, but it is cost effective, and will get my life back into order. So be warned, if you want to ask me to lunch or coffee or whatever, I’ll have to check my diary to fit you in. 😉

Geek vs Nerd

I’ve been getting into this comic Angel Moxie. Yeah, it’s pretty cutesie, but I dunno, it’s like the Powerpuff Girls — There’s something to be said about girls with super and/or magical powers, and that is that they rock. If you want to read it, start now – you’ll plow through the entire 200 strips in under a few hours. Cool story. Riley reminds me of myself in a sort of freaky way, freaky mainly because she’s female. Mind you… 😉

Anyway, as embarrased as I might be to share that I like both Angel Moxie and the Powerpuff Girls is to share these two episodes with you which help shed some light on the whole Geek vs Nerd debate that has been going on the last 1000 years or so.

Geocaching Success – five from seven!

I’ve been doing a bit more Geocaching! I tell you, it’s a lot of fun. I’ve found five out of the seven that I’ve hunted in the Wellington area. Quick shoutouts to Mufasa and Andy who joined me for some of those hunts, and also provided transport to the cache sites.

Mufasa and I also hid a cache. Can’t wait till someone finds it!

I’m also gonna hide a micro-cache near my house. A microcache container is usually a 35mm film canister. Yes, you can fit things in those. Along with an A4 sized logbook (PDF, 316kb), my ideas include foreign coins, paper money, coffee and smoothie vouchers, stickers, and other things.

My First Cache

After work today I went hunting for Geocache GCG0AJ, “Botanic Garden Battery”. After a hard walk up Aurora Terrace and up to the Botanic Garden, I found the cache. Read my log entry at the caches log.