Author Archives: Brett

Baby’s First Kernel Re-compile

Yup, today at work I installed Debian Linux 3.0 on a box we dubbed Radar, after the character from M*A*S*H, to go along with our test server, Hawkeye. I think Klinger is the next one we’ll put together. So yeah, I did my first kernel re-compile. W00t 😉

Argentinian Spammers

Don’t send me spam Argentina,
The truth is I never let you,
All through my noob days,
Your baned existance
I kept mine private,
Please keep your distance…

Back online!

Yay! We’re back online and it’s kicking ass! w00t 🙂 Sweet as 🙂 Cheers to Benny from TelstraClear who came and installed it all 🙂

Moving house

I’m moving to Grant Rd in Thorndon. I’m still in Wellington, but the rent has been put up at the old place and we gave our two weeks notice two weeks ago. So out we go. Probably won’t be online till Tuesday or Wednesday when our cable gets connected. Oh, we might even have a webcam in the lounge 😀