Author Archives: Brett


(what in the hell) I was reading my email and suddenly the screen goes all blank. for no apparent reason. About 20 seconds later, my screensaver appears. Even though I was actually using my mouse. Weird.

Where am I?

I been working. 😛 Trying to fix this damned graph/chart making actionscript in flash. I finally got it working so yay! Now I get to take xml data from a .NET service and put it into this flash… should be easy. After that I get to make it into a component. Exciting? Yes and no. Turning it into a component will be a task and a half of full cream coffee. Anyway, better get back to work. Mental note: blog more often.

I am not in charge of the garbage.

Walking through Manners Mall here in Beautiful Sunny Wellington and I’m waiting for the crosswalk signal to let me cross, and a journalist asks if I was in charge of the garbage, drawing my attention to the two huge black bags of garbage I’m standing right next to. Sitting on the corner of Wellington’s most popular intersection. Oozing radioactive goo. OK, so it’s probably not radioactive, but it was pretty foul none-the-less. So I was like, “No, I’m not in charge of the garbage”. So Wellington City Council, who’s in charge of the garbage?

On another point of me not being in charge of the garbage, for some reason, My friends will offer me their leftover bowls of ice cream, macaroni cheese, lasagna, and other type foods, expecting that I will eat it. I probably will, but I don’t like being seen as some human garbage disposal. I try to watch my weight, as much as everyone thinks otherwise.

Damn you Tuatha! You win this time!

Tuatha has been buying me lunch every so often. So I payed him back. Then he goes and buys me a deck of Vampire : The Eternal Struggle with the money, so I can play with him. The game seems pretty interesting.