20Q and Sex Ed – Pizza anyone?

So I decided to buy myself a 20Q. NZD$20 from The Warehouse. So Andrew Kepple and I tried to confuse it with words like Ninja, Dildo and Condom. Hilarity ensued.

Glutnix: wow i got me a 20Q and I was guessing CD and it guessed DVD ROM
TmsT: o.o layman’s terms?
TmsT: is this on Trademe?
Glutnix: no
Glutnix: 20Q is a toy that plays “20 questions” with you
Glutnix: you press buttons on it
TmsT: aha
TmsT: so it guesses stuff and you teach it new things?
Glutnix: i don’t think the handheld learns
Glutnix: but it has a pretty big database of stuff
Glutnix: it got CD-ROM after 5 more questions
Glutnix: it askes 20 questions, you say yes, no, sometimes or unknown
TmsT: oh yep
Glutnix: after 20 it guesses, if it’s not right, it askes 5 more
TmsT: and if it hits a blank you enter the name of the thing?
Glutnix: no, it’s only got 6 buttons
TmsT: try “Colin Mochrie” 😀
Glutnix: LOL

Read the rest — warning, hilarity about adult related subjects ensues.

Glutnix was in Breakpoint City

Recently I got invited to Gmail, Google’s new 1GB webmail service, Thanks to Pozz. A couple of days ago I got my Gmail invites, and gave one to my brother, a couple of people who wanted them, and gave one away on Webfroot.

Then I saw Brian Emling, cartoonist of Breakpoint City, asking for a Gmail account on his site. So I gave him one. So then he did this 😀 Cheers Brian! Go read his comic 😀

Nutritional Delusions

the food triangle theory only allows the choice of two corners: tasty, nutritious, and quick to prepare.I haven’t been eating properly I guess. I need to make good food. I feel a little under the weather today (not to mention it’s raining real bad today), and I think my workmates have noticed that I have been having a sick day here and there the last few weeks. I guess I’m too lazy for my own good. So I need to learn how to make quick, tasty AND nutritious meals. I had the quick and tasty down pat. I hope this isn’t one of those ‘pick two out of these three options’ deals. By that I mean, if I want tasty and nutritious, does that mean it can’t be quick? Or if I want quick and nutritious, will it taste like crap? So many things in life are these ‘choice triangles’…

UPDATE: Thanks to Kodiak for suggesting this page with six steps to losing weight, it really helped me set some targets. Apparently I have to lose about 25kgs, and I should set myself up to lose that weight over the space of about 12 months. It’s a depressing number, but probably the reality of the whole situation

Geek vs Nerd

I’ve been getting into this comic Angel Moxie. Yeah, it’s pretty cutesie, but I dunno, it’s like the Powerpuff Girls — There’s something to be said about girls with super and/or magical powers, and that is that they rock. If you want to read it, start now – you’ll plow through the entire 200 strips in under a few hours. Cool story. Riley reminds me of myself in a sort of freaky way, freaky mainly because she’s female. Mind you… 😉

Anyway, as embarrased as I might be to share that I like both Angel Moxie and the Powerpuff Girls is to share these two episodes with you which help shed some light on the whole Geek vs Nerd debate that has been going on the last 1000 years or so.

Sad joke

Monkeyjay made this one up:
Q) What do hobbits use to manipulate images?
A) Frodoshop.

Yes, extremely lame joke. Smileychris will be proud 🙂