Author Archives: Brett


W00t! I just got a call from Jonquil from Dev-zone, and I have the job! Wow! I was not expecting a same-day reply! I would just like to say that I believe that God set me up this job, and I want to just publicly say thanks to Him for his blessings. Cheers to all my friends who prayed for me and those who supported me!

My first day at Dev-zone is on March 10! w00ta!

Job Interview

I went for a job today. Part Time PHP Developer for The interview went pretty well I think, with four staff members on the other side of the desk. Two of them were IT department, one is moving into the IT department, and also the general manager. They asked me a lot of good questions which assesed my skill, some were quite interesting to answer. They said they would get back to me within a week, so I hope I get this job… 🙂

Got My Move On

Last night was pretty good. Mr Scruff played for over 5 hours I’m sure, but I left after he played ‘Get a Move On’ at around 4:15am. The Scruff started pumping the tunes out about 11:30pm. I was largely disappointed he didn’t play much of his own tracks – He played in this order: Ug, Blackpoll Roll, one I can’t remember (possibly Shrimp), Fish, and then Get a Move On. Disappointed because earlier in the night I saw an LP with Sweet Smoke, Come On Grandad, and Valley of the Sausages on his deck – Maybe we missed an intro track…
But he blew me and Mufasa away with the range of genres he played – 70’s funk, hip-hop, latino, house, and jazz jazz jazz! Mufasa had to leave early, he had a gut-ache 🙁
Overall, I give the night a 7/10, mainly because he didn’t play enough of his own tracks, but it was still an enjoyable night 😀

Mr Scruff In Session Tonight at Studio Nine

I’ll be going tonight. Studio Nine, Edward Street, Wellington, New Zealand. Doors open at 10pm, and my guess is Mr Scruff is gonna start up about midnight… We’ll see… 😀 I’ll be wearing this really hidiously loud green shirt. Well, it’s not that hideous, and it’ll be dark 😉 Maybe you’ll see me there… who knows? Full report when I recover early tomorrow afternoon… 🙂

Hug your computer

I hugged my computer today. It’s been almost a year without a computer in my house that I could call my own. My computer has returned home from a 10 month stint at work, and it’s good to have it home. Life just keeps getting better 🙂 Maybe I’ll do some coding like I’ve been meaning to since about November 2001…. 🙂