Author Archives: Brett

The end has passed…

After listening to The End is Near and then The End is Here I was left with a sense of sadness yet contentness — it’s not every day your favorite band breaks up. The End is Here was so awesome — it captured the band’s sadness and excitement to them breaking up, and the last song Every New Day finished and the fans chanted “Thank You Thank You” and it was very moving — I so wish I was there, but listening to the CD made me feel like I was actually there! *sobs* *smiles*

The end is here, oh wait…

So I’m like hacking away, and Mark (aka Kodiak), one of the webfrooters and fellow geek.flatters comes home and asks me “Do you have that live album by Five Iron Frenzy?” and I say “I got their first one, but not the one from their final show” and he like pulls a paper bag from nowhere and I say “…But you do…… I’m jealous…” and he talks about how he saw it at Manna (christian bookstore) and was surprised to see it there, and didn’t think that I had it, and so bought it with the intention of selling it to me if he didn’t like it, or selling it to me if I wanted it. So I’m gonna buy it off him 🙂 The End Is Near is FIF’s last studio album, and The End is Here is the live recording of their final show. This completes my collection of CDs by my most favorite band of all time. Thanks Mark, you r0x0r!


I discovered Stepmania late last year some time — It’s a DDR fan project where you can ‘dance’ at home using your PC. Smileychris and I got into it, but only on the keyboard, as we didn’t have a dance pad.

Anyway, last week Smileychris, Kodiak and I hooked up with a couple of friends from Napier and went and had coffee at a cafe, then we went to an arcade. Chris and I were pretty keen to hop on a DDR machine — Chris hadn’t been on one before, and I’d only tried one time before. It’s much easier with friends. And if you think it’s stupid, you haven’t tried it… it’s quite fun.

Anyway, 3 days ago Chris bought a Dance Mat for NZD$30 and a Playstation to USB adaptor so he could step at home, and he’s really enjoying it. I really like it too, but I haven’t had much of an opportunity to go hard for a session — Chris is always on it 😀

Anyway, it seems to be the #1 geek way to lose weight!

Glutnix was in Breakpoint City

Recently I got invited to Gmail, Google’s new 1GB webmail service, Thanks to Pozz. A couple of days ago I got my Gmail invites, and gave one to my brother, a couple of people who wanted them, and gave one away on Webfroot.

Then I saw Brian Emling, cartoonist of Breakpoint City, asking for a Gmail account on his site. So I gave him one. So then he did this 😀 Cheers Brian! Go read his comic 😀

Open book exams and the internet

Remember open book exams? You were allowed to take books into the exam and refer to them…. I wonder if taking a Pocket PC wirelessly connected to the internet so you can Google or consult Wikipedia is allowed… probably not… but hey, that wouldn’t surprise me…