I’m sick

I’ve got the flu i reckon. It’s been going round my circle of friends. Sheree (chris’s girlfriend) currently has the flu, and pnemonia. Mel is feeling really bad, and I spent the day with her yesterday… I think I caught it from one of them… 😛 I’m at home sitting down to try and eat a bowl of weetbix. Ugh.

Sketch of the masses

So I come home from work and turn my computer on and up appears this picture someone has drawn of the geeks in the flat, their girlfriends, and other characters. Nobody is home yet, but my suspicions are it was Chris. It’s a pretty awesome drawing so do check it out 🙂

Pedazo de basura

Miguel: did you know unreal 2 ?
Miguel: about
Glutnix: yeah i know its out
Miguel: cool
Glutnix: apparently it’s too short
Miguel: really??
Glutnix: i dunno – won’t run on my piece of crap system
Miguel: :S
Miguel: heheeh
Glutnix: how do you say crap in spanish?
Miguel: basura
Glutnix: my computer is a piece of basura
Miguel: but basura means trash too
Glutnix: that’s good 🙂
Glutnix: it’s trash too 🙂
Miguel: hehehe
Glutnix: basically it needs more ram, more cpu, and a 3d card
Miguel: My computer is a piece of crap.
Mi computadora es un pedazo de basura.
Glutnix: hehehe 🙂

Where Glutnix comes from

Dark_Aoshi:P|Naomi:P|: why u put Glutnix
Dark_Aoshi:P|Naomi:P|: on the nick
Glutnix: you know how some software is all bloated?
Glutnix: y’know, runs really slowly for what it does?
Glutnix: well Glut means fat and bloated, nix means zero
Glutnix: so it means no bloat

Birthday Report

My birthday was pretty cool. Friday night I went out to dinner with Mel. We went to Stellar, a restaraunt inside Courtenay Central. We shared a wood fire pizza (Rotisserie chicken stuffed pizza with camembert, mozzarella, bacon and onions, very yummy), then went and saw Two Weeks Notice, which although it was a chick flick, was actually a pretty cool movie. We came home and Mel had stealthly left a picnic hamper at home, but because it was raining we did the picnic thing in my room – really romantic like 🙂 Afterwards, we played Risk with Chris and Mark – Chris won (Kill Blue (Chris) or 24 Countries, by the latter), but Mel had Kill Green (me) and nearly won too, on her first game!… :-/ Mel really enjoyed playing, and we’ll probably all play again on Thursday night

Saturday I slept in and then Chris and Mark gave me a present. It was Lazy Sunday 3, which is what I wanted for my birthday (cheers guys!). But even better was the card they gave me – Mark, it seemed, had spent two days making a birthday card featuring a fake letter sent to Strong Bad asking him to send me an email saying Happy Birthday – LMAO! Excellent, guys!

Later that night a few of my friends (Mark L, Jaron, Ben and Steph) came over and we played xbox for a little while, then got Hells and watched Jackass The Movie. That is one classic movie… if you’ve never seen a Jackass, and are not squeemish, you will be after the end of this movie. 😀

Anyway, the birthday was overall the best birthday I’ve ever had, and caps off the fact that this is the best era i’ve had in my life (new job, girlfriend, overall happy to be alive motif). I don’t things could get worse 😀 but we’ll see 😉